
With mamba or conda

xeus-zmq has been packaged for the mamba (or conda) package manager.

To ensure that the installation works, it is preferable to install xeus-zmq in a fresh environment. It is also needed to use a miniforge or miniconda installation because with the full anaconda you may have a conflict with the zeroMQ library already installed in the distribution.

The safest usage is to create an environment named xeus-zmq

mamba create -n xeus-zmq
mamba activate xeus-zmq

Then you can install in this freshly created environment xeus-zmq and its dependencies:

mamba install xeus-zmq -c conda-forge

From source

xeus-zmq depends on the following libraries:

We have packaged all these dependencies on conda-forge. The simplest way to install them is to run:

mamba env create -f environment-dev.yml -n xeus-zmq
mamba activate xeus-zmq

You can then build and install xeus-zmq:

make install